Page 14 - CCBA NEWSLETTER 2022 2023
P. 14

CCBA Newsletter

                                                                                                           A Talk by the Sales
                                                                                                           Director of the Tulip Inn

                                                                                                           Majan Hotel in Salalah


                                                                                                           Mr.  Abdelaziz  Albaraami  -  Sales
                                                                                                           Director at the Tulip Inn Majan Hotel
                                                                                                           in  Salalah,  Oman  -  gave  a  talk  to
                                                                                                           students  taking  the  Organizational
                                                                                                           Behaviors  course.  The  talk  took
                                                                                                           place  on  18  December  2022  and
                                                                                                           revolved  around  motivation  in  the
                                                                                                           hotel  industry,  with  the  speaker
                                                                                                           drawing on his own experiences in
                                                                                                           the   field.   Students   interacted
                                                                                                           dynamically  with  the  speaker  by
                                                                                                           asking him relevant questions during
                                                                                                           and  after  the  talk.  The  event  was
                                                                                                           chaired  by  Dr  Aissa  Mosbah
                Dr Syed Ahsan Jamil (DVC) handing out certificates of appreciation to Hilton’s HR Director and
                Hilton’s Government Relations Deputy Director.                                             (Assistant       Professor       of

                 Hilton Salalah Resorts

                 Sponsors CCBA Graduation

                 Project Competition

                 Under auspices of Deputy Vice


                 --------------                             The Hilton's sponsorship was supervised
                                                            by Lujain El-Maghraby (lecturer of             CCBA Organizes “Food
                 On 25 May 2023, the CCBA has               management) and Dr. Naushad Allam
                 organized a competition for the best final  (coordinator of final graduation projects).   Nutrition Awareness”
                 graduation project. The competition was    The event was concluded by handing out
                 sponsored by Hilton Salalah Resorts in     certificates of appreciation by the Deputy     Program Using Latest
                 the capacity of granting awards to the     Vice Chancellor Dr. Syed Ahsan Jamil and       Weight Devices
                 best three winning teams.                  Acting Dean Mawih El Ani to Hilton             --------------
                                                            Salalah representatives, academic jury
                 The competition was co-juried by Mr.       members and winning students in a              ON 15 DECEMBER 2022, THE
                 Omar Maamari (HR Director at Hilton        celebrating atmosphere.                        “COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT
                 Salalah) and Mr. Abdelaziz Al Rawas                                                       COMMITTEE” AT “COLLEGE OF
                 (Deputy Director of Government Relations).                                                COMMERCE AND BUSINESS
                 From Dhofar University’s side, the projects                                               ADMINISTRATION” HELD AN
                 were juried by Dr. Suhail Ghose                                                           AWARENESS PROGRAMME ENTITLED:
                 (Associate Professor of Marketing and                                                     “ENGAGING COMMUNITY WITH
                 Chair of CCBA Research Committee), Ms.                                                    FOOD HABITS”. THE PROGRAMME
                 Shahrazad Al Marhoon (Lecturer of                                                         INCLUDED A SESSION ON WEIGHT
                 Management Information Systems), Dr.                                                      AND FAT MEASUREMENT USING THE
                 Samir Hamami (Head of MIS Department),                                                    LATEST WEIGHT DEVICES WEIGHT
                 Dr. Mohamed Salman Shabbir (Assistant                                                     MEASURING DEVICES.
                 Professor of Management), Dr.
                 Ahmaruddin Mohamed (assistant professor
                 of finance) and Dr. Ahmed Samour
                 (Assistant Professor of Accounting).
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