Page 18 - CCBA NEWSLETTER 2022 2023
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Newsletter                                        Academic Year 2022-2023                                                 CCBA

                           CCBA = IMPACT

                                                          Brought to you by Publicity
                                                                  Committee Team!

                                                                                                          CCBA students and

                                                                                                          Brunel London

                                                                                                          exchange views

                                                                                                          The latest supply chain

                                                                                                          practices in healthcare


                 CCBA Visits Salalah Free Trade
                                                                                                          As part of the MoU between Dhofar
                                                                                                          University  and  Brunel  London
                 Zone                                                                                     University, CCBA hosted Dr David
                                                                                                          Botchie, a senior lecturer at Brunel

                 Amid the presence of the management                                                      University    London,      on     21
                                                                                                          December  2022,  who  delivered  a
                 department HOD                                                                           lecture titled “Artificial intelligence
                                                                                                          management:      drivers,   success
                 --------------                                                                           factors and sustainability".” During
                                                              CCBA Organizes Field Trip                   the  lecture,  students  were  given
                 On 25 December 2022, CCBA, under the         to National Bank of Oman                    access  to  the  latest  sustainable
                 leadership of Dr Omar Durrah, Head of        The latest local news                       supply  chain  practices  in  the
                 the Management Department, organized                                                     healthcare sector. The Year 3 and
                 a  field  trip  to  a  high-grade  factory  in                                           4  students  attended  the  lecture
                 the Salalah Free Trade Zone. The aim                     --------------                  under the guidance of Acting Dean
                 of the field trip was to reduce the gap                                                  Mawih  El-Ani  and  Ms.  Lujain  El-
                 between academia and industry and to                                                     Maghraby         (Lecturer        in
                 give students the opportunity to observe                                                 Management).
                 real business operations on site.

                 A representative of the factory explained
                 to the students the production process,

                 the  target  group  of  the  factory,  its
                 competitive advantage, and the reasons
                 for choosing the Salalah Free Zone as
                 the location of the factory.
                                                              On 22 November 2022, Dhofar University
                 During  the  visit,  Lujain  El-Maghraby     students  taking  finance  courses  such  as
                 (management  lecturer)  showed  the          BUSS  203  [Principles  of  Macroeconomics
                 students  the  link  between  the  factory   and   FINA   222   [Commercial   Bank
                 and the concepts learned in class.           Management]  visited  the  Central  Bank  of
                                                              Oman, organized by Dr Nadia Sha and Dr
                                                              Abdullah  Al  Ghazali.  The  CBO  authorities
                 At the end of the visit, the students and    welcomed  the  visitors  with  great  warmth
                 faculty  members  wished  the  High          and hosted an information session on the
                 Degrees Factory” success in their future     CBO and its contribution to a stable Omani
                                                              economy. The diploma level students found
                 endeavors.                                   the  course  very  knowledgeable  as  the
                                                              lecturer explained everything from the basic
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