Page 21 - CCBA NEWSLETTER 2022 2023
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CCBA Newsletter for Academic Year 2022-2023

                 Creating a Sustainable Future for Oman

                 CCBA Sustainability Day

                        On  15  and  16  March  2023,  the  Department  of              At the two-day charity event, students volunteered

                 Management,  College  of  Commerce  and  Business               to  sell  handicrafts,  food  and  plants  for  charity.  The
                 Administration (CCBA) organized an event on “Creating a         proceeds of the charity event benefited women on Masirah

                 Sustainable Future for Oman" The two-day exhibition and         Island and the Omani Bahjah Orphan Society. The students

                 charity sale was held in the lobby of the College. The          developed a sense of compassion, empathy and desire to
                 students of Corporate Social Responsibility (MNGT 411)          help  others.  The  students  expressed  that  they  felt  great

                 displayed  their  posters  on  how  sustainability  can  be     satisfaction  and  became  aware  of  their  responsibility  to

                 achieved in daily life and integrated into business in the      build  a  sustainable  future  in  Oman.  This  event  was
                 areas of waste management, energy conservation, eco-            successfully organized by the students under the leadership

                 friendly  cars,  recycling  of  plastics  and  rubber  tires.   of Dr Mariam Anil. These initiatives have a greater impact

                 Interestingly, the exhibition encouraged students to turn       on  building  sustainable  communities  and  businesses  in

                 their ideas into business start-ups. Around 600 students        Oman.
                 attended the event and made a pledge to be socially

                 responsible in protecting the environment.

                                                             CCBA visit

                                                             To Dhofar Bank

                                                             On 27 March 2023, a cohort of             The visit served to illustrate the
                                                             accounting students from the Master       various theories acquired in class.
                                                             of Science programme went on a            The industrial placement was
                                                             field trip to “Dhofar Bank”. The          supervised by the Chair of the
                                                             students found it exciting to             Accounting Department, Dr Omar
                                                             empirically observe the tasks and         Tawfik, and the Course Director, Dr
                                                             duties in the bank. The head of the       Zaroug Osman.
                                                             credit department explained to the
                                                             students the tools and techniques
                                                             used in providing finance to all
                                                             types of businesses and the

                                                             percentage of collateral involved in
                                                             each type of financing.
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