Page 17 - CCBA NEWSLETTER 2022 2023
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CCBA Newsletter 2022-2023

                 CCBA Hosted a Workshop by the AACSB

                 Regional Head of MENA

                 Amid presence of Deputy Vice Chancellor, Acting Dean of

                 College, and All Faculty Members


                 On 4 and 5 January 2023, the College of Commerce and Business
                 Administration  hosted  a  workshop  with  Mr.  Ihsan  Zakri,  the
                 AACSB Regional Director for the Middle East and Africa. The event
                 was attended by more than 50 members of the CCBA faculty and
                 administrative staff. The aim of the workshop was to prepare CCBA
                 staff  for  the  visit  of  a  high-level  delegation  from  the  AACSB  in
                 October 2023.

                 The  meeting  opened  with  a  brief  address  by  former  Dean  and
                 current DVC of the University, Dr Syed Ahsan Jamil, who thanked
                 CCBA  members  for  attending  the  meeting.  Mr.  Ihsan  then                         “ONLY 5%
                 expressed his pleasure at Dhofar University's visit before speaking
                 briefly  about  the  history  of  the  AACSB.  Mr.  Zakri  then  briefly   OF BUSINESS SCHOOLS
                 reviewed  the  AACSB’s  world-class  educational  standards,  which
                 are the basis for the accreditation of more than 1700 institutions                 WORLDWIDE
                 around the world. The two-day session was interactive and engaged
                 several  faculty  members  in  several  fruitful  activities  and              ARE ACCREDITED
                 discussions. At the end, Mr. Zakri expressed his appreciation and                      BY AACSB
                 confidence  in  the  high-level  exchange  of  ideas  that  took  place
                 during the session and wished CCBA good luck in the upcoming
                 AACSB examinations.

                 The AACSB is “The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of
                 Business”, also known as AACSB International. It is one of the most
                 prestigious  American  bodies  for  the  accreditation  of  business
                 schools in the world. The association was founded in 1916 in Florida
                 in  the  USA  and  today  has  two  other  offices  in  Amsterdam  and
                 Singapore. Only 5% of business schools in the world are accredited
                 by the AACSB.
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