Page 16 - CCBA NEWSLETTER 2022 2023
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CCBA Newsletter 2022-2023

                 From left to right: Ms. Lujain El-Maghraby moderating the panel discussion with Mr. Muhammad Tunc (Hawana Salalah’s Regional Director) and Mr.
                 Mohamed Al Wahibi (CEO of Al Jabr Muscat).

                 CCBA hosts a panel discussion entitled:

                 "Meeting the Market: Industry

                 Perspectives on Achieving a Strategic

                 Competitive Advantage."

                 with Hawana Salalah, Al Jabr Muscat and Oman Vision 2040.

                 As  part  of  the  strategic  orientation  of  the  College  of
                 Commerce  and  Business  Administration,  which  aims  to       Students analyzed and wrote down what the guest speakers
                 apply the latest pedagogical methods, the academic team         said  and  linked  it  to  what  they  had  learnt  academically
                 of the Strategic Management programme of the Faculty            during the panel discussion. The assignment was worth 10
                 of Business Administration organized a panel discussion         per cent of their overall grade in the Strategic Management
                 on the topic of economics. The event was titled: "Meeting       course. This event is also an extension of the current hands-
                 the Market: Industrial Perspectives on Achieving Strategic      on training that strategic management students receive, in
                 Competitive Advantage" amidst a large crowd of students         the form of case studies published by the best universities
                 and university professors.                                      in the world and discussed in the classroom.

                 The session was moderated  by Ms. Lujain Al-Maghraby            The patron of the ceremony, Dr. Mawih Al-Ani, Associate
                 (Lecturer  in  Management)  and  included  the  following       Dean of the University of Business Administration, honored
                 guest  speakers  Mr.  Memet  Tunc,  Regional  Director  of      all the guest speakers, university professors and organizers
                 Hawana Salalah, and Mr. Muhammad Al-Wahaibi, CEO of             who attended the ceremony, including: Dr. Omar Al-Durrah
                 Al-Jabr Company in Muscat. On the sidelines of the event,       (Head  of  the  Department  of  Management),  Ali  Hubais
                 Mr.  Khaled  Fadel  of  Oman  Vision  2040  gave  a             (Coordinator  of the Strategic Management course), Lujain
                 presentation outlining the strategic thinking and principles    Al-Maghraby  (Lecturer  of  Strategic  Management),  Dr.  Issa
                 of Vision 2040 for Oman.                                        Mosbah  (Assistant  Professor  of  Strategic  Management),
                                                                                 Student     Musab     Al-Qayumi     (Student    of    Strategic
                                                                                 Management) and the guest speakers.

                                                                                                        As  part  of  the  MoU  between  Dhofar  University
                                                             CCBA students and                          (CCBA)  and  Brunel  London  University,  CCBA
                                                                                                        hosted  Dr  Ahmed  El-Amer,  a  senior  lecturer  at
                                                             Brunel London                              Brunel University London, on 19 December 2022,
                                                                                                        who delivered a lecture titled “The latest practices
                                                                                                        of Quantitative Methods in Research”.
                                                             exchange                                     During the lecture, students were given access to

                                                                                                        the latest quantitative methods in research. The
                                                             The latest practices of                    3rd and 4th year students attended the lecture
                                                             quantitative methods in research           under the guidance of Dean Mawih El-Ani (Acting
                                                                                                        Dean of CCBA) and Lujain El-Maghraby (Lecturer
                                                             --------------                             in Management).
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