Page 24 - FP Chronicle 14th Issue, January 2020
P. 24

World Tree Day

           On the occasion  of  World  Tree                             (Plastic  Mud House).  The  third  place

           Day, Dhofar University celebrated                            winner was Secondary School Salalah

           Environmental  Week.  The  idea                              for their idea (Recycle for the Future).
           was to promote the culture of tree                           All participants in the competition were

           planting and waste management. The                           awarded  certificates  and  gifts.  The

           university held a competition to look                        competition and the closing ceremony
           for the best idea for the preservation of                    were a great success.

           environment and waste management.

           The participants  had two weeks to                           Ahmed Salim Tabook/ FP
           prepare  their  working models  and

           posters. There were many participants

           from within Dhofar University as
           well as Salalah community, even the

           local schools competed. On the day

           of the competition,  everyone was

           excited to see many ideas and posters
           all around the hall. Many teams came

           with their prototypes. The ideas were

           creative and innovative. After a tough
           competition, Indian School with their

           idea (MIRAGE) was able to secure

           first  position.  The  second  position

           was taken by Dhofar University
           Foundation students for their idea

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