Page 29 - FP Chronicle 14th Issue, January 2020
P. 29

Uncle Ahmed said: “Mona, would you allow us to talk a little?”

         “Gladly, uncle!” replied Mona. Mona left and uncle Ahmed sat with Noor to
        solve her problem.

         He said, "Hi, how are you, Noor?" Noor replied: “Good! What about you?”

        He responded: “Fine, thank God but you did not ask about how the books are
        feeling?” Noor commented: “But books have no feeling, uncle.”

        - Ahmed said: “In my opinion, books are different from the other things because

        each represents the thinking of their writer, even if not alive. books represent him

        and makes him alive in the minds of people”
        -He turned and said, “Look, my darling! I am an old person and I have learned a

        lot in this life and I helped many young people to solve their problems and you

        are now one of them.”
        - Noor said: “Since you know my problem, would you suggest a solution?”

        -He said: “Of course, each problem has a solution and your problem is simple.”

        -Uncle  added:  “Do  you  know,  Noor,  that  overcoming  frustration  is  a  great

        achievement  in itself?  Therefore, before you begin to solve your problems,
        overcome your frustration first and do not be taken by the words of someone

        about you or your efforts because that won’t enable you to address your problem.

        Learning English does not depend on memorizing he words only but on listening,
        reading  and understanding.  More importantly  it  depends on practice, but for

        your homework here I have many books in Arabic and English that will help

        you understand and learn new words and structures and develop good language

        -Noor summarized one of those stories until she finished and thanked her uncle.

        -Uncle said in return: “I did nothing. I am just trying to remove the doubts that
        you have about learning English.”

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 14, Jan 2020
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