Page 27 - FP Chronicle 14th Issue, January 2020
P. 27

aspects that you may adore.

        Waffa-And my final question is-What words

        of wisdom would you give to your Omani

        brothers and sisters?

        Thamana - To my Omani sisters and brothers,

        try to use all your senses with the teacher.

        You should feel what your teacher is saying.
        And if you have an idea you genuinely think

        is good don’t let others break your trust. You

        can share your thoughts with others because

        I think you can only do your best work just
        if you think it should be done. Then you can

        take pride in that after you’ve done and say

        I did that and I think it’s pretty good. It’s a
        great feeling.

        Waffa:  Thanks  Thamana,  it  was  nice
        talking to you.

        Thamana: I was my pleasure, Waffa.

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 14, Jan 2020
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