Page 26 - FP Chronicle 14th Issue, January 2020
P. 26


           Waffa Ahmed Mansor Mohamed Mousa/FP

       My  name  is  Waffa  Ahmed  Mansor                            subject. It’s about your desire to learn

       Mohamed Mousa and I am here to                                this language and about the extent you

       interview an old student who left the                         desire to reach for future generation
       FP in 2018.                                                   without  obstacles. This  is what  made

                                                                     me decide to go for English literature.

       Hi Thamana,  thanks  for agreeing  to

       be interviewed.                                               Waffa- Okay. What do want to do in the

       Hi Waffa,  thanks  for  giving  me  this

       opportunity  to share my views with                           Thamana: In the future, I would like to
       you.                                                          be an English teacher and I might think

                                                                     about  teaching  in a University. For

       I’m Thamna Kashoob and I am ready                             instance,  Dhofar University. Day by
       to tell you about what I have been doing                      day, I feel proud that I have achieved

       since I left the Foundation Program. I                        my dream.

       left FP in 2018. I’m currently studying
       English literature.                                           Waffa: So, what advice would you give

                                                                     to others going into English literature?
       Waffa: Oh Great! So let’s begin our

       interview.                                                    Thamana: My advice to whom so ever
       My  first  question  is  what  made you                       is going to pursue teaching as a career

       decide to take English literature?                            is  to  make  sure  you  really  love  what

                                                                     you are about to study. Also, there are
       Thamana: I never thought in my life                           difficulties in everything but you should

       that I would aspire to study English                          know how to get through it. One more

       literature.  It  became  my  favorite                         thing is that English literature has many

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