Page 31 - FP Chronicle 14th Issue, January 2020
P. 31

             SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                                                                        Lujain Ali

                                                                                                        Saif Aljabri

           My story began in 2016 when I                             As everything  in  this world, this

           moved  to  another  school  without                       story has two sides. YouNow has it,

           my old friends. My friend Nicole                          too. I got the love and support from
           introduced me to YouNow* because                          my fans and the people who actually

           she was on it and she has a big amount                    care about me. However, I also gained

           of followers there. So, I started my                                             hatred  from others
           first account and streamed live                                                   who didn’t believe

           everyday  to talk  to                                                              in me and who liked

           people. In five                                                                      to  start  a  drama
           months, I got                                                                         between other

           around 4 4 4 k                                                                         YouNowers.

           followers which

           is insane. People                                                                    In the end, I think
           started to call me an                                                            YouNow changed me

           influencer  because  I                                            from a shy teenager who didn’t

           spoke up about some                                       have a lot of friend to one strong girl

           serious topics that, as teenagers, we                     who believes in herself.
           have problems talking about. My fans

           were nice enough to give me advice                        * In 2015 “YOUNOW” started to get famous all around
                                                                     the world for teenagers. “YOUNOW” is an app you can
           about things that I didn’t really think                   download on your phone to live stream videos. We can
           about.                                                    meet new people from around the world. Most YouTubers
                                                                     use YouNow to communicate with their fans or followers.

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 14, Jan 2020
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