Page 5 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 5

Moamen: Good  morning, prof.  We                                interviewing you, and that is why we

        would like to thank you so much for                             reached out to the FP chronicle chair
        accepting to be interviewed by us. We                           and asked for the  interview  to be

        really appreciate that.                                         arranged.

        Prof. Amer: It’s a pleasure.                                    Prof. Amer: Thank you for that.

        Amna:  We think students will be                                Amna: What can you tell us about your
        interested  in and inspired by this                             life as a student?


                                                                        Prof. Amer: As a student…I  studied
        Fatma  A’zahra:  This interview  is                             my pre-university here at Al Saeedia

        for the  students’ magazine,  the  FP                           school in Salalah. I completed my study

        Chronicle,  which is provided by the                            there in the academic year 1981-82. We

        Foundation Program.                                             were the fourth batch to graduate from
                                                                        the school in Salalah. There were two

        Prof. Amer: Yes, I’ve seen it. It is a                          streams:  science  and arts, and there

        good one, actually. It is colorful, and                         was one class for each.
        it’s written in simple English that can

        be digested easily.                                             In the final year, we moved from the

                                                                        building in Al Husn to a new building

        Haneen:  This interview started with                            in  Dahariz  that  was  two  floors.  We
        our idea because we noticed that many                           graduated from Dahariz and were the

        students    are  interested  in  you  as  a                     first batch to graduate from that school

        person as you’re new to the university.                         campus.
        So, we thought it would be a good

        idea to engage with students through                            Amna: That is interesting!

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 20, April 23                              4
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