Page 8 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 8


        electives  apart  from major  courses                           trained us to have conversations with
        which are  meant  to help  the  students                        others, interact with them, and listen to

        to choose courses in areas  of their                            them. Students should take advantage

        interests. I recall that when I was in the                      of being  able  to  choose  courses that
        States, I took courses in interpersonal                         will help them in building themselves.

        and intercultural communication. I also                         Take this opportunity, get the best out

        took political science as a third elective,                     of your university life and graduate

        where every student  was assigned to                            with a stand that will enable you to
        represent a country, and we discussed                           enter your profession strongly.

        global political issues. We had to study

        them and present our ideas about them.                          Haneen:  Now we  want  to ask  you
        I remember I chose Jordan because it                            about your career life.

        is in the Middle East, and there were                           Fatma A’zahraa: What has motivated

        resources available at the library.                             you in this career?

         The courses I took in communication
        helped me to build my personality                               Prof. Amer:  Academia  is a noble

        and learn how to deal with people.  It                          profession because it contributes

                                                                        towards humanity. Education, I believe,
                                                                        is the key pillar behind the success of

                 I’d like to advise                                     many nations. I also enjoy the work;

          students to devote their                                      it is renewable as we see new faces
                                                                        and  new students.  We  get  to  know

          time  at the university                                       them  while  building  a relationship

          towards their studies and                                     with them. You feel as if you’re all a
                                                                        family. It’s not a routine;  it’s a very

          to get the best out of their                                  enjoyable  profession.  You feel like

          time at the university.                                       you’re contributing to the development

                                                                        of the country by graduating  these
                                                                        graduates in various disciplines.  It’s

                7                                  FP Chronicle  Issue 20, April 23
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