Page 7 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 7
that we were not allowed to get practical to give to us, university students, based Al Saeedeya School Teachers 1973
training in engineering after the 3rd on your experiences?
year. In engineering, we are required
to receive training, but since we were Prof. Amer: What I’d like to advise
foreign students, we weren’t given that students is to devote their time at
opportunity. That is the thing that I felt the university towards their studies
most disappointed about. If we had and to get the best out of their time
gotten it, it would have enriched our at the university. It is an opportunity
experience. to build their personality, equip
themselves with knowledge and skills,
Haneen: What advice would you like and broaden their horizons. There are
FP Chronicle Issue 20, April 23 6