Page 6 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 6

Fatma A’zahraa: What is your favorite                           reward  toppers by sending them
        childhood memory in school?                                     on a trip outside Oman,  and  I  was

                                                                        fortunate  to be chosen  with  2  more

        Prof. Amer: I remember we had very                              Dhofaris, alongside students  from
        good teachers, actually, from outside                           other regions; to go to Tunisia. It was

        Oman – from Egypt, Jordan and Sudan.                            during Ramadan, and it was my first

        We were really fortunate to have them.                          experience  travelling outside Oman.

        Alhamdulillah, the ministry got us the                          Alhamdulillah,  they were very good
        best teachers.  We learned a lot from                           memories. I enjoyed them, and I think

        them. Before that, in the early 70s,                            they provided us with a good education

        we had some Omani teachers. What I                              that helped us in our university courses.
        recall from those memories is that they

        showed us how to pray. They came to                             Moamen: Were there any

        the class and showed us practically how                         disappointments that you experienced

        to pray according to the Sunnah. It was                         as a university student?
        a  new experience. It  was something

        practical  that  students could see and                         Prof. Amer: As a university student,

        remember. So, that’s one of the things                          Alhamdulillah, I studied in the United
        that live in my memory.                                         States at the University of the Pacific

         I also remember the time  my mind                              in California. It is a private university

        shifted to shine in my studies when I                           with a small number of students; at that
        was in 5th grade. My rank at that time                          time, there were around 5000 students.

        was 13 in my class. However, I made                             The Ministry of Education chose the

        up my mind to excel and be among the                            university for us, and we were the first
        top students. Alhamdulillah, since then,                        Omanis to study at  that  university.

        I was always one of the top students in                         We were 5 students – the highest

        my class.                                                       achievers in all of the Sultanate were

          Two years before  we graduated,                               with us. The university provided good
        the Ministry of Education  used to                              education, but my disappointment was

                5                                  FP Chronicle  Issue 20, April 23
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