Page 9 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 9


          unlike  normal  jobs where you start                          can  offer  the  university  some  of  my
          at 7:00 and stop at 2:30. Instructors                         experience. For that reason, I accepted

          have  3 things:  teaching,  research                          to join them, although, I was not far

          and community  service.  These are                            from the university because I had been
          the  pillars  of the  university. Faculty                     a member of the board of trustees since

          members really have these three                               2005. I was invited by DU when I was

          components to address. Again, I find                          at SQU  to be an academic  member

          it a really rewarding profession.                             of the board of trustees,  so I have
                                                                        been with them since 2005 until I got

          Amna: Who or what inspired you to                             appointed as a VC here. So, I witnessed

          become a VC?                                                  the development of the university over
                                                                        the years.

          Prof. Amer:  I joined  SQU in 1987

          and spent over 30 years there. Out                            Haneen: What is the most rewarding

          of these 30 years, I spent 20 years                           part of your job?
          in managerial positions side by side

          with the academic association in the                          Prof. Amer: It is rewarding when I

          college  of engineering.  I worked as                         see the graduates on stage, graduating
          a Dean at the engineering college for                         and smiling, ready to go and start their

          6 years, and I had the privilege to be                        careers, starting to establish and help

          the first Omani Dean at SQU. After                            their families. Also, when I see them in
          that, I spent 9 years as a Deputy Vice                        leading positions, it makes me proud

          Chancellor  for postgraduate  studies                         of them. I feel pleased when I go to

          and research. Then, I spent 5 years as                        different  places  and  meet  graduates
          Deputy Vice Chancellor for academic                           from  DU  and  SQU, and  they  say,

          affairs  and  community  service.  I                          “Hello, Dr., how are you?” –  It is just

          retired in 2020, but I was invited to                         rewarding.

          join Dhofar University in this position.
          I felt like I had the background and                          Moamen:  Every  job  has  difficult

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 20, April 23                              8
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